Monday, November 29, 2010

Green Plastic

How are green plastics being developed?
Green plastics are develpoed by taking chains on polyactic acid which all come together to make polyactic acid oligmers, when due to a chemical reaction become lactide which then become PLA which is the most manufacture type of bio plastic.
What makes these plastics green?
The substances they usually come from is corn, sugar cane, or sugar beet. This makes the natural, biodegradable and renewable. Which pretty much makes them quite green.
What where some of the issues mentioned with the packaging?
Well the packaging can cause effects like:
-Growing corn which makes us use more pesticides, herbicides.
-This also leads to using trucks and these use oil and gas and then emit carbon dioxide.
- We could start using to much food for plastic and end up in a food crisis
- Use to much land for crops
- Bio plastics can biodegrade and give off methane.
How might these green plastics change packaging practices?
It might change it in terms of making the packaging more eco friendly and making our planet better.

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