Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Moon Post

What did you notice about the phases of the moon?
Why do we see different parts of the moon each night?
What is a lunar month?

  1. Something I noticed about the phases of the moon is that it changes when you are looking at it from earth to when you are looking at it from space. This is because looking at the moon from earth you can only see on side of it. So you see the shadow slowly edging from the side. The different phases of the moon are more noticeable from earth than from space, from space it all looks the same.
  2. We see different parts of the moon each night because of the fact that the moon revolves around the earth and the sunlight shines on the moon making some parts of the moon have a bigger shadow then the other part.
  3. A lunar month is the period of time between one full moon till the other.

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